

Cathedra of Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester Held

Editer:BUILD&TEST TECHNOLOGY     Date:2006-07-20     From:     Hits:1201

The Cathedra of SPT is held by B&T and JIANGSU TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE together in Nanjing, which is lasted from Jul. 11th, 2006 to Jul. 12th. Over 50 specialist and academician from Liaoning, Zhejiang and Dalian province attended the cathedra.

We invited Mr. Ray Bonaquist, the Chief Operating Officer of AAT, as the keynote speaker. Mr. Ray is also the chief researcher of TRB NCHRP 9-29“SUPERPAVE simple performance test on mixture”. The whole cathedra include following four parts:

(1) summarize of “PST”, introduction of the background and development of PST

(2) manufacture method of SPT specimen

(3) theory and application of dynamic modulus test, introduced the application of SPT in the process of the test to the Anti-rut ability of mixture, and the application to form the main curve of dynamic modulus on pavement structure design

(4) introduction o f static tensile test and Permanent deformation under repeated load test, including the theory, process and standard of experiment and the method on test the Anti-rut ability of mixture by the permanent deformation under repeated load test

Mr. Ray gave us an excellent speech, and the participators responded great interest in the advanced experiment method in testing asphalt mixture. After the cathedra participators also visited laboratory of JIANGSU TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE for a demonstration of SPT operation.

SPT is a method to verify volume of Superpave mixture. The dynamic modulus worked by SPT is compatible with NCHRP 1-37A. It can make the mixture design more suitable for the pavement structure design. This cathedra is acclaimed by all the participators as getting the advancement information of Superpave. It is certain that the cathedra can bring a promotion to the popularization of SPT in China.

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