The 10th China international Exhibition[2010-05-28]
The 10th China international Exhibition on Transport Technology and Equipment came to a successful conclusion.CHINA TRANSPO 2010, held from May.26th 2010 to May.28th at Beijing Exhibition Centre, which hosted by MOT (Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China) and undertook by RESRARCH INSTITUTE OF HIGHWAY MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT and China International Exhibition Center together.... + More201208 Nanjing heavy asphalt pavement and deck pavement special meeting[2016-05-16]
201208 Nanjing heavy asphalt pavement and deck pavement special meeting... + More201205上海第二届中国国际桩与深基础峰会[2016-05-16]
... + MoreThe 2nd Exchange Conference of IPC[2010-05-17]
The 2nd Exchange Conference of IPC material testing system come to a successful conclusion.The IPC instruments have served customers in China for over 10 years. During this period, IPC has provided both the excellent technical services and advanced material testing instruments. Nowadays, China has become the second large market going after USA. By now the instruments of UTM series have over 30 users in China.... + MoreBusiness Director of B&T visited IPC[2009-05-29]
In order to reinforce the promotion of products and the improvement of technical service, Mr. Nelson, the business director of B&T, visited IPC Global in Melbourne Australia. B&T is appreciated for the achievement during the year of 2009, especially the leapfrog development during this year. The chairman of IPC also said that the whole group of PIC will continue supporting the business activities of B&T as before.... + More201110上海第三届上海桥梁技术国际峰会[2016-05-16]
... + MoreThe 1st Conference of IPC Material Test System[2009-05-22]
The 1st Conference of IPC material test system held in Nanjing.The conference is held by B&T, IPC Global and JIANGSU TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE together in Nanjing from May. 20th, 2009 to May. 22nd, for the enhancement of the exchange on IPC test system of materials.... + More200803重庆智翔澳大利亚IPCUTM-100安装调试[2016-05-16]
... + MoreB&T technicians to IPC Global for technical training[2007-10-25]
B&T dispatched two of our technicians to IPC Global for a 5 days’ visit for technical training. The training includes both the software knowledge and the hardware knowledge of all the IPC products of asphalt mixture test system.As for the hardware part, the IPC engineer introduced the cord technique of IPC products, especially the construction and the principle of work for all elements, including IMACS Multi-Axis controller,the assemblies of Pneumatic and Hydraulic. ... + More